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Songs and thoughts

Heres a thought about something i see alot,, but really dislike

its a stupid thing that happens
well its not that its all that stupid
It all depends on what place you have in the situation
people get hurt and thats really not cool
i know i've done it,, i think everyone has
its like you spend all this time getting close to someone
like years, and you're like super super close,,
and then he meets a girl,,
or she meets a girl,,
and all the sudden you don't matter anymore
i mean you do but its totally not the same..
your hours turn into minutes
and your conversations to hi's and whats up.
and the closeness disinegrates like right in your face
and i know i've done it too,,
what a jerk i am...
all those times that he called,, and was to busy,, with "Her"
Something that didn't even last,, something i had to cry over
rather than laugh away the hours with my best of friends
Some things are just too important,, especially people..
we don't even realize it either,,
Its just like kicking someone in the stomach,,
when you only have time for you and your signifigant other
Insignifigant is more like it....and don't get me wrong
I'm all for being in love,, But don't neglect those who have put soo
much into you in the past,, Like the bible says,,
do unto others as you would have them do to you
girlfriends and boyfriends will come and go,,
But brothers,sisters, parents, and best friends last forever,,,
Just take one minute and thing about your time and where its invested
Let people know you appreciate them,, and if you have too,, apologize
we all get wrapped up in our own little worlds,,
so lets not stay there an alienate ourselves
lets patch the gaps we've so blindly created and
Never forget what relationships are truely important...


i feel like i'm slipping away
the love i had still remains
but i feel it deteriorating,, and i don't know what to do
i mean you can only fight for soo long
and believe me i've fought
and its seem like to no avail,,
what will God bring,
he knows all things
he has me in his hands
and all things work to good for those who love him
so i will try,, i will keep my head up
i just have to trust that he is in control
but this feel inside me what is it
it feels as if my heart is being torn
not out of my chest like in heartbreak,
but in half like wanting two things at once soo bad
how could i possibly know what to do
how could i ever make it through
if i didn't have jesus
my life would end,
as much as nothing makes sense,,
when i think of your love for me
that makes sense, that will keep me alive
I thank you lord, my reason for living..


A lot of times the way we act is wicked stupid,
I don’t know if its everywhere, or just everywhere I look
I guess it could be simply labeled at insecurity,
But its like we all have these super big egos or something
But its not really that, its just more like we are scared
Scared of possibilities,
Scared of how you feel
Scared of yourself
Its like we have this preconceived notion that everyone
Is mean, no matter how bad we really want to talk to a certain person,
We feel like we should hide how we really feel,, \
Like that’s gonna make stuff better right?
And I’m just wondering why?
Or how bout this one, you think someone is really really cool
So you’re looking at them,, and then suddenly they glance over at you
We get all freaked out,, flustered, look down or away,, say something dumb,,
I think we’ve all seen it happen or done it ourselves..
Its jus weird to think about because in reality we are looking for the same thing,, someone…
But it seems like we automatically assume that……
I dunno what we automatically assume,
But I know that its dumb..
It would soo interest me if just for one day everything was the opposite,
I mean if we could walk around with this “Fear” or awkwardness with the opposite sex. Just to see people not be afraid, cuz in reality,
We’re being scared of being nice to someone
We’re more content to just be “snobs” or at least act like one
When we’re dying inside to to talk to him or her
I think people are a lot nice than we perceive them to be
Lifes to short to be snobby and stupid,,
Be Nice, Talk, Smile, Make someone feel special…..


!st of all

hows it soo easy for you
to be soo perfect
when i can barely keep my head above the water line
I'm slipping slowly
But I'm trying soo hard
And i'm falling down this hill that we call life

I can't make it on my own
So god i'm calling out
please take control
of all i have
its you i need nothing else can fill me
Please take control

I'm finally learning
and now i'm moving forward
I try my best to always keep my eyes on you
but i still have problems
I still fall away
I'm so thankful you still call me your son

I can't make it on my own
so God i'm calling out
please take control of all i have
Its you i need, nothing else can fill me
Please take control

The Pain

Can we quit with all this fake stuff,
you smile when you see me but you
frown as i turn around
you don't think i see it but i do
i see right through you

is it me,, whats wrong with you
when did you change
and why would you ever
when i never see what i saw before
i hope you can forget me
Cuz i'm heading out the door

this is what you wanted
i hope you're finally happy
so short, unsweet, not wanted

Stupid Boy

I miss you more than I ever did before,
The things I planned aren’t working out
I always thought I could get around,
But it seems right now that you is all I want

I’m sitting staring wondering
If you would ever come back to me
I know I’ve let you down
Put you throught the hardest times you’ve ever faced
But I’m ready to replace that hurt with joy
Cuz I wanna be your boy
I wanna be your man
Promise I’ll give anything to hold you again
My time my strength, my love
Whatever you want you’ve got
Cuz its tearing me apart (inside)
And I don’t wanna be alone

I’m sick of this looking hoping wanting needing
My mind is stressed and my hearts uneasy
Trying to find someone who can be you to me
But I know this will never be
Cuz you’re stuck in my heart and I don’t wanna be apart

I can’t forget you and what you mean to me
I can’t forget how you smiled and what you said to me
I can’t forget all those times I felt sooo in love
I can’t forget you cuz you’re MY angel

Before times out

While i can still speak
While i can still breath
While the sun still rises and falls
While i can still make sense of it all

This could be my last week
Could this be my last day
If this is my last minute
Its totally worth it
If once more you hear me say

While the clock still turns
While the sun still burns
While the stars still fill up the sky at night
While you're still running through my mind

And if i could never say
And if i never told you
I couldn't live with myself
knowing you were with someone else
So i'm gonna say what i say

Girl i love you and I
Need you, in my life
Girl i can't stop thinkin about you
and i'm going crazy,, going crazy
Girl i love you and I need you,
In my life, and Girl i'm not complete with you,
I can't stop thinkin about you,, and i'm going crazy
crazy crazy crazy crazy