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More songs and stuff,, I"m still working on it ,,, so bear with me.. Kirk

Shes somewhere

To the girl I love
If you're out there i love you soo much
You have no idea how much i think about you
Every car ride
every lunch break
every movie, every tv show
and i wonder soo bad, if i've ever seen you
Maybe just at random,,
And having no clue,
If i only knew if i ever saw you
Just out of chance at the mall
or in a car passing by
If only i knew, I would come and find you
I be there soo fast
my thoughts aren't fleeting either
drifting off to sleep i want to see your face
alot of them pass through my head
maybe one of them is you
are you thinking the same thing for me
looking around every corner
wanting soo much not to care
but caring all the more each and every day
I dress up for you
I want to look the best for the one i love
You're everything that i've wanted
Maybe its just not time yet
But I long for you more than i ever have
Everytime I answer the phone
Everytime I open the mailbox
I pray that its going to be you
My love is growing for you..
But to know that we have a future together
To know that soon this void will be filled
I wonder if I'll see you tomorrow when I go out
If you'll walk by and I won't even see you
To know that you may have been that close to me
at any moment, it blows my mind
I wonder if I should turn around just a second earlier each time
to perhaps catch a glimps,,
a glimps of what though??
to catch a glimps of perfection,
a glimps of stunning beauty
a glimps of the most interesting,
fantastic person I will ever meet
A glimps of the future of the rest of my life,
of the many anticipated years ahead when we will be soo in love
A glimps of the eyes i will be lost in ,,
in that final moment when I say "I do"
A glimps of that final moment... Yes!
or will i be to lost in thoughts
of self pity,, Only in missing you,,
When my love is passing by only inches away,,
You and I are held apart only by time
My love will conquer time and this i know,
As each day passes my love for you doubles
There is no power,, including time and fate
That could ever keep my from you
I would die for you in a second
I swear even the worst death you can think of
I would have to die a thousand time just to begin
to show the amout I love you
There is no way i can explain it
No words could ever do justice.
I can feel the love though
In every breath its in me
I can feel it in my chest and
when i walk.....
I want to scream it out soo loud!
and yet i don't know your name..
or do i??
This hope of love I cling to
I could care less what people think
because all I care about is you
I know you are the only person who will understand
The only person that really makes sense to me
A person soo radiant with the love of God
it will help me be the person I want to be.
And for that I love you more than I could
ever show you with mere words or actions,,,
Just know that it is true,
that my love for you is soo great
I dare say that greatest love ever known
to you I know it will be
and you I will always cherish
this note could never do justice
to the love I have for you
nothing ever will,,
but the rest of my life will be dedicated
to showing you as
much of this love as I possibly can
I swear until my last breath my every
thought will be of you,
and every word and action will bear
the existence of this unexplainable
Love I have for you,,
Know always my heart is yours,
I love you


Whats up with kids and growing up?
Whats the deal with all this girl stuff
What happened to being young
And never thinking just having fun

Was that such a heinous crime
When we never thought of passing time
Just swimming ,, playing basketball
So easy to get through it all

Was that such a heinous crime
We’re playing 4 square in the lines
Mom would call us in for lemonade
And we never thought about getting paid

Whats up with kids and growing up?
Whats the deal with this 9 to 5 junk
What happened to baking in the sand box
Or finding out what was under rocks
When there were no girls allowed

Everquenching Water

water of life
quenches my soul
lord it is you
that makes me whole

though i may fall
still run away
that doesn't stop you from calling my name

this day i turn
run into your arms
i'm soo sorry lord
i admit i was wrong

i need you to teach me
i need you to lead me
jesus,, jesus

Heres some thought I
Had the other day:

what will it be
will i give all i've got
will i just skate along
when i was young
i don't know what i thought about
nothing much i don't think
here was nothing to stress
no reason to hurt
life worked itself out
it wasn't my job,, the untackleable task
alot of times i can deal
I feel sooo alone
I guess i forget about God
But i swear that I don't
cuz thats just not it
cuz Gods all I need,,
But its different then that
its not like i'm sad
crying myself to sleep
Just something i need
Or maybe just want
whatever it is
sometimes i wish i could just turn it off
I don't want something fake though
i see it soo much
when I know it won't last
Its like whats the point
I mean who wants to be with someone thats dumb
its seriously soo stupid
thats what makes me the most mad
are people this blind,,
or is it me that can't see
i guess there must be worth in every person
I pray God will open my eyes
cuz its not like i hate people,,
I love them alot,
when people deserve more
why would they settle for less??
I'll tell you why ,
its called being desperate
desperation grows like poisonous gas
its deadly and quick
but most of all unnoticed
then something brass comes along
but we take it as Gold
I guess brass to me is gold to someone else

Email Kirkis


Never Do

Off the hook once again,
you said you were tired
but now you're out with your friends
i thought i was admired
but i guess that time expired.. last time

wasted breath,, my words fall on deaf ears
stinging hurt,, i hope you see my tears
Getting out,, from under your deciet
Moving on,, to find my love,, the only one for me

you wouldn't do
yes i saw through
your hurtful games
each stupid phrase
you wouldn't do
yes i saw through
your perfect hair
that vicious stare
you'd never do

sure theres more
you won't wait long
you'll break his heart
then you'll be gone
cuz this superficial you
it will never do


Sorry to you

I wanna say I’m sorry and now I understand
I hope when this is over you’ll
still wanna hold my hand
I didn’t mean to say what I said that day
I hope you forgive me at least this is what I pray

Words that I’ve spoken, ways that I’ve made you feel
Do you still love me or have I lost all appeal
When it hurts so badly you don’t know what to do
And I’m sorry for all that I’ve put you through

When in heated argument I blow off steam
I didn’t think about what I said what did It mean
I know that I was wrong and I’m sorry
But this can’t be the end of you and me

Cuz when you love someone this much,
you’ll fight forever
And when I say that I’m trying ,
does that make it better
Do you see all the worth that,, that I see in you
I know we can make it,,, we can make it through



straight raining down
on this tiny town
candle light keeps me company
i think of her when shes not with me

this stormy weather always gets me thinkin about her
Was it the way she walked, or the way she talked
Or the way she made me feel
and i'm torn,, when i'm still in love with you
the rules not holding true
cuz you're out of sight, but you've never been out of my mind

I'm waiting,, and i'm listening hard
To make sense of it all
when your voice is soo soft
i know you're not afar off

cuz i'm wondering and pondering
will it be a future of us,, when the futures unknown
this questions soo loud,, but the answer lies quietly in time